Jakob Sauer Jørgensen

Jakob Sauer Jørgensen

Senior Researcher

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Technical University of Denmark

Asmussens Allé

Building 303B, room 111

2800 Kgs. Lyngby

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News from DTU

Seniorforsker Jakob Sauer Jørgensen (til højre) og postdocs Nicolai Riis og Amal Alghamdi, som sammen har stået i spidsen for at udvikle software-værktøjet. På billedet  ses de tre ved en CUQIpy-workshop i september 2022. Foto: Nicolai A. B. Riis.
02 JAN

Free software quantifies the uncertainty in scans

The research team CUQI at DTU Compute has, with an atypical process, reduced 1000 lines of code to five in new software, which e.g. helps see unwanted features within an object.

Information technology Mathematics